27 of the Most Sustainable & Eco Friendly Outdoor Gear Brands
They say you’re only as good as your gear. While that’s certainly not true when it comes to succeeding and enjoying the outdoors, it is true from an environmental standpoint.
Try as we might to Leave No Trace and be good environmental stewards, our efforts have less of an impact if we’re doing them in clothing and gear that’s doing a whole lot more harm than we can even imagine.
We’ve talked a lot about sustainable outdoor clothing brands, but now it’s time to talk about the harder side of outdoor gear. Outdoor gear (by which we mean things like backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, skis, and climbing hardware) is notoriously NOT eco friendly. Why? Because it needs to resist harsh environments and last a long time, which means we’ve relied on synthetics for years.
We still do to a huge extent in this category. You just can’t make climbing ropes out of cotton and ice axes out of bamboo).
However, these eco friendly outdoor gear companies are showing there are other things we can do to offset the impact of our gear. Whether it’s making the gear of recycled materials, offering repair and recycling programs, or offsetting the emissions generated by manufacturing the gear.
These responsible outdoor gear companies may not be perfect (we’ve scored them from 1-5 in that department) but they’re far better than the industry standard and most of the options on the market.
So if you’re counting down the days to your trip to Ouray or can’t wait to hit the trail on a long distance hike this summer, don’t start packing until you’ve had a peak at this (more or less) complete list of eco friendly outdoor gear companies.
*This post contains affiliate links.
Alpacka Raft
Topo Designs
United By Blue
Sierra Designs
Outdoor Master
Trek Light Gear
Epic Water Filters
Zeal Optics
Black Diamond
Jade Yoga
Big Agnes
Goal Zero
Hydro Flask
“Patagonia will never be completely socially responsible. It will never make a totally sustainable non-damaging product… But it is committed to trying.”
Image credit Patagonia
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Backpacks, sleeping bags, totes, slings, waist packs, duffel bags, technical packs, waterproof bags, and water bottles; Eco friendly outdoor clothing
Budget: $$-$$$
Eco friendly materials: Recycled nylon, recycled polyester (like the Black Hole bags which are 100% recycled poly in every component), RDS-certified down, partially recycled Primaloft insulation, PVC and phthalate-free inks and dyes, PFC-free DWR (durable water repellent) finish.
Ethical practices: Fair Trade certified; Uses The Footprint Chronicles to provide customers information on the factory every garment is manufactured in; Regularly audit factories; Ranked in the top tier of Fashion Revolution’s Fashion Transparency Index at 70% supply chain transparency
Impact management: Developing a regenerative farming certification; Use partially recycled poly bags for packing (which are accepted at any Patagonia store for recycling into decking); Experimenting with biodegradable and paper bag shipping alternatives; Other green initiatives
Other: 1% for the Planet giving organization founder; Help folks get involved in environmental initiatives through the Patagonia Action Works; Lots of political eco activism; Help persuade others to be more responsible outdoor gear companies through publications such as The Responsible Company and CEO Yvon Chouinard’s memoir Let My People Go Surfing)
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Black Hole bag series (includes duffels, wheeled duffels, backpacks, waist packs, and more) made of 100% bluesign® approved recycled polyester (including lining, ripstop exterior, and even straps and external webbing).
Overall sustainability rating: 5/5 (easily one of the most eco friendly outdoor gear brands)
Find them here: Patagonia / Backcountry / Worn Wear (used Patagonia gear)
“Black Diamond products are synonymous with outstanding performance—but not at the expense of destroying the lands where we recreate. We believe it is our responsibility not only to deliver the best performing gear, but to do so while minimizing adverse environmental effects.”
Image credit Black Diamond
Eco friendly climbing gear range: Vegan rock climbing shoes; Rock climbing hardwear (cams, carabiners, quickdraws, etc); Ice climbing gear (crampons, ice axes, ice tools, ice screws); Crash pads, chalk bags, and climbing chalk; Skis, avalanche safety gear, ski boots, ski skins, trekking and ski poles, and headlamps; Snow sport and climbing apparel; A great brand for those looking for gifts for rock climbers
Budget: $$-$$$$
Eco friendly materials: Some bluesign® approved fabrics; Climbing hardwear made of highly recyclable stainless steel and aluminum; Clothing with responsibly sourced down, organic cotton, and recycled polyester; Environmentally-friendly PFC-free DWR
Ethical practices: Manufacture in China; All suppliers held to a strict Vendor Code of Conduct based on ILO human rights standards; Regularly audit factory and adopt Corrective Action Plans upon any problems discovered; Founded the Outdoor Industry Association's Fair Labor Working Group
Impact management: aAdopted the best available tools in the industry to responsibly manage the environmental impact of their raw materials; Closed-loop anodization process at Black Diamond Asia that recycles 2000 tons of wastewater; Recycle all scrap metal, computer waste, and excess cardboard at all entities (reducing their waste by about 60%); Blue Sky Program "Champion Level" participant for purchasing 180,000 kWh of Blue Sky wind power offsets each year (eliminating 220 tons of CO2); LEED equivalent (not certified) energy efficient Salt Lake City headquarters; Encourage employees to commute via carpool, bus, TRAX, bicycle, and foot; Reduce emissions by participating in the Clear Air Challenge and shipping via sea not air
Other: Award-winning brand for their environmental and social stewardship; Donated to tons of environmental and equal access causes like Protect Our Winters, Honnold Foundation, Outdoor Industry Association, Chicks Climbing and Skiing, and more; Most recently, matched all donation made to Access Fund; Organize the annual Chasin' the Rubbish forest cleanup effort in Fontainebleau, France.
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Momentum vegan rock climbing shoes
Overall sustainability rating: 3/5
Find them here: Black Diamond / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
"As an environmentally-friendly company, we want to reduce resource consumption and emissions in order to ensure sustainable corporate development.”
Image credit Edelrid
Eco friendly climbing gear range: Eco friendly climbing ropes and harnesses, crampons, ice tools, climbing helmets, climbing hardwear, safety gear, crash pads, chalk bags, and webbing
Budget: $$-$$$
Eco friendly materials: Recycled rope offcuts from other rope production; PFC-free Eco Dry treatment (the first ever to still reach UIAA Water Repellent standard); bluesign® fabrics in 38% of the whole product line (all ropes, accessory cords, slings, and harnesses); Non-anodized steel (first ever carabiner to be non-anodized on the market); Clothing is 90% organic cotton
Ethical practices: 60% "MADE IN GERMANY"; EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) ISO 14001 standard certified; Publish regular impact reports
Impact management: bluesign® system partner; Design climbing hardwear to wear as minimally as possible on ropes and harnesses to extend their life; Partner with Germany’s NEWSEED to upcycle obsolete climbing equipment (old ropes from climbing gyms, leftover rope ends from production, etc) into chalk bags, belts, bracelets, gym bags, and more; Power company buildings with solar panels supplying 11% of the total electricity and saving of more than 83 tons of CO2 ;Have a 100% renewable electricity free electric car charging station for employees and customers
Other: Members of and donate to the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA)
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Edelrid Swift Eco 8.9mm x 70m recycled climbing rope (this is the rope we use!)
Overall sustainability rating: 5/5
Find them here: Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
“Marmot strives for the highest level of performance and protection with the lowest possible impact on the planet. We have a rigorous process of selecting sustainable materials and manufacturing methods.”
Image credit Marmot
Eco friendly camping gear range: Eco friendly camping gear like tents and sleeping bags (shop their Eco line for eco friendly sleeping bags), mountaineering gear, and eco friendly hiking clothes
Budget: $$-$$$$
Eco friendly materials: HL-ElixR™ Eco Micro recycled synthetic insulation (made from recycled plastic bottles), Responsible Down Standard (RDS) certified down, and PFC-free water repellent treatments; Not all eco friendly as even eco insulations still have virgin ripstop polyester or nylon components; 44% of the line is bluesign® certified; 53% of products use a PFC-free DWR finish.
Ethical practices: Holds our suppliers and vendors to a strict code of conduct mandating safe working conditions, fair and legal hiring, scheduling, compensation, and other worker-protection practices and perform regular on-site audits for compliance; Support the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act to eliminating slavery and human trafficking from global supply chains; First company to sign the Outdoor CEO Diversity Pledge; Promote employee health and wellness by hosting onsite boot camp workouts, yoga sessions, weekly outings, and team sports; Follow the WHO’s Five Freedoms of animal welfare for all animal derived materials
Impact management: Good-Better-Best rating measures the level of environmental impact of products; Transportation-reduction initiative designed to reduce the miles that raw materials and products travel which reduces their air shipments by 60%; 44% of products use recycled, upcycled, and renewable materials (UpCycle®, Featherless, and EVODry products); Chemical Management and Restricted Substance List (RSL) policy based on REACH and California Proposition 65; Use Low Impact Technology™ (L.I.T.™) to use 60% less water, 15% less dyestuffs, 22% less electricity, and 50% less thermal energy than traditional dying processes; FSC-certified product tags
Other: Support various environmental stewardship non-profits including Access Fund, American Alpine Club, Leave No Trace, Outdoor Foundation, and The Conservation Alliance; Donate products to those affected by natural disasters; Have a donation-matching program for any money or volunteer hours their employees give on their own time
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Trestles Elite Eco 30 Sleeping Bag
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
Image credit Rumpl
Sustainable camping gear range: Puffy camp blankets, camp pillows, ponchos, ground covers, camp towels, and dog beds; Make for great eco friendly outdoor gifts!
Budget: $$
Eco friendly materials: Recycled ripstop polyester; Humanely and ethically sourced down; Recycled 3D hollow fiber siliconized synthetic insulation; Not all Rumpls are eco friendly (some have virgin polyester Nanoloft insulation and sherpa fleece layers) but they are increasing the amount of recycled materials in their product
Ethical practices: Promote a “balanced lifestyle” for their employees but giving plenty of time off to pursue outdoor passions
Impact management: The “bottle to blanket” initiative has repurposed millions of discarded plastic bottles; Climate Neutral Certified
Other: 1% for the Planet membership benefits several organizations like Save the Waves.
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Original Puffy Blanket, now 100% recycled including both the insulation and shell
Overall sustainability rating: 3/5
Find them here: Rumpl / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw
“Jade is committed to making the world’s best performing, most environmentally friendly yoga products and giving back to the earth with every product sold.”
Image credit Jade
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Eco friendly yoga mats and yoga accessories (blocks, straps, and towels); Plant-based mat wash
Budget: $-$$
Eco friendly materials: Traditional mats made of natural rubber tapped from rubber trees with PVC, EVA, or other synthetic rubber; Mysore Rugs made of organic cotton; Local Women’s Handicrafts (LWH) collection made of recycled sari cotton; Meditation mats made from Dharba grass and cotton; Natural cork yoga blocks
Ethical practices: LWH Collection empowers and educates Nepalese women makers; Mysore collection is handwoven by rural artisans in India, ”preserving a tradition and art form and providing a livelihood for weavers”; All other sustainable yoga mats made in the USA
Impact management: Manufacture mostly domestically to keep supply chain smaller and reduce shipping emissions
Other: Plant a tree for every mat sold with Trees for the Future (having planted over 800,000 trees so far); Work to bring yoga to underserved communities like schools, prisons, hospitals, and shelters; Donate $5 from each mat of a specific color to a specific cause; Have several annual “giving days” where 10% of online sales are donated directly to good causes
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Organic Cotton Mysore Yoga Rugs
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: Jade Yoga / Backcountry / REI
Image credit Osprey
Eco friendly camping gear range: Eco friendly backpacks for women, men, and kids; Casual bags; Not all eco friendly but all Archeon, Arcane, ACE, Daylite®, and Hydrajet packs are recycled
Budget: $$-$$$
Eco friendly materials: Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified recycled nylon canvas and recycled polyester packcloth; Adopted the bluesign® Restricted Substances List; Use only low impact chemicals like PFC-free or C0 DWR treatments and aim to have all products be PFC-free by 2022
Ethical practices: Factories audited by the Worldwide Ethic Alliance; Code of Conduct based on the Ethical Trade Initiative that specifies a minimum wage, maximum hours per week, health and safety standards, and supports workers’ right to unionize.
Impact management: Submit all fabrics to a third-party lab for chemical analysis and spot-checking to ensure they don’t contain anything harmful; Ensure long product life is their All Mighty Guarantee, through which they “will repair any damage or defect for any reason free of charge-whether it was purchased in 1974 or yesterday”; Donate returned and repaired packs to programs and schools serving disenfranchised youth through the Repair Outreach program; Repair and resell packs; FSC-certified hang tags and boxes and 100% recycled and recyclable LDPE 4 polybags
Other: Donate to a huge range of philanthropic partners working in five impact areas: environmental stewardship (The Conservation Alliance, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, and Continental Divide Coalition), outdoor education (Leave No Trace and Winter Wildlands Alliance), diversity and inclusion in the outdoors (Outdoor Afro, Veterans Expeditions, and The Venture Out Project), and health and recreation (Access Fund and American Hiking Society).
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Archeon 45L hiking backpack
Overall sustainability rating: 3/5
Find them here: Osprey / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
“We’re into funky; we’re into sustainable; we’re into treating those who sew our products with respect.”
Image credit Cotopaxi
Sustainable camping gear range: Ultra colorful backpacks, travels packs, hip packs, and duffels; Eco friendly outdoor clothing
Budget: $-$$
Eco friendly materials: (Re)Purpose™ Collection made completely of recycled deadstock, or leftover fabric from other fashion productions.
Ethical practices: Certified B-Corp; All factories are third-party audited (like their Higg Index assessed backpack factory in Bataan, Philippines); Give each maker is given full creative color combo choice in the Del Dia packs; Publish their Code of Conduct and yearly impact reports
Impact management: Offer a lifetime guarantee of repair or replacement; Members of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition; Support Amazon reforestation projects to offset bulk shipping to other retailers)
Other: 1% of earnings go directly to the grant-giving Cotopaxi Foundation; Have donated an additional $300,000 and emergency kits refugees and crisis response organizations; Encourage employees to volunteer; Give discounts to customers that #DoGood (like firefighters, first responders)
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Del Dia pack collection
Overall sustainability rating: 5/5
Find them here: Cotopaxi / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw
“At NEMO we believe being a sustainable business is about so much more than checking a box [...] we believe the world has enough stuff already. We have vowed to only design and create things that provide a meaningfully better experience. And if they don’t, we don’t make them. It’s that simple.”
Image credit NEMO
Eco friendly camping gear range: Eco friendly tents, sleeping bags, camp chairs, blankets, sleeping pads, and pillows
Budget: $$-$$$$
Eco friendly materials: 100% Responsible Down Standard certified down; Chemical-free silicone PFOA-free finishes instead of polyester-based urethane waterproof finishes (which also extends tent life significantly);
Ethical practices: Aim for transparency and traceability in supply chain; Use mostly domestic (USA) manufacturers but we also look for responsible overseas entities for some production
Impact management: Products are “designed to last, not to landfill”; Protect products with a Lifetime Guarantee; Packaging is 100% recyclable and made from recycled materials; One of the first small brands to measure impact via the Higg Assessment
Other: GO HELP Program provides employees time off to volunteer; Donate to Southeast Land Trust, The Conservation Alliance, Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Big City Mountaineers
Our eco camping gear pick: Hornet 1P 3-season Tent
Overall sustainability rating: 3/5
Find them here: NEMO / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw
Image credit Ortovox
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Winter sport safety gear (avalanche shovels, beacons, probes, avalanche airbags etc); Backpacks; Technical outdoor clothing; Bivy bags
Budget: $$-$$$
Eco friendly materials: 100% OWP-certified wool; SWISSWOOL natural insulation (also used to replace foam padding in the backs of some of their packs); PU (not PVC) waterproof coatings; Will be PFC-free in 2024; Still use a lot of virgin synthetics but are working to change that over the next 5 years
Ethical practices: Full traceability of their wool farms; Merino wool sourced ethically and humanely from merino sheep in Tasmania and SWISSWOOL from the Alps; Members of the Partnership For Sustainable Textiles initiative and Fair Wear Foundation (FWF); 60% of production occurs in Europe (the rest in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam); Publish the evaluation of suppliers and factories online
Impact management: Created ProtACT2024 sustainability goals to reach by 2025; Aiming to be completely climate-neutral by 2024; Implementing a Second Life strategy to increase the amount of repaired and recycled products; Require partners and suppliers to comply with “Guide to Chemical Management and Compliance” which bans many chemicals by bluesign® standards; Use minimal poly bags and use silicone packing rather than plastic for shipping; Avalanche beacon recycling program (which gives you $75 for doing so!)
Other: Member of the European Outdoor Conservation Association
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: PEAK 42 S Alpine Tour Pack (with natural SWISSWOOL back padding)
Overall sustainability rating: 3/5
Find them here: Backcountry / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
Image credit Big Agnes
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Highly efficient and lightweight outdoor camping gear such as sleeping bags, tents, sleeping pads, camp chairs and tables, and backpacks
Budget: $$-$$$$
Eco friendly materials: Recycled synthetic insulation and partially recycled Primaloft Silver; Recycled polyester rip-stop shell fabric; Corn starch plastic; Waterproof finishes that are non-toxic and PFC-free; Upcycled excess sleeping pat material (for all pad inflation sacks); Large portion of gear is NOT recycled yet
Ethical practices: No information about factories and manufacturing detailed on their website
Impact management: Sell used BA gear at their brick-and-mortar shop (remember we love used gear!)
Other: Offer grants through the Bob Swanson Fund; Protect public lands and outdoor inclusivity by donating to environmental organizations like Leave No Trace, the American Alpine Club, SOS Outreach, She Jumps, and more; Support the Continental Divide Trail Coalition by adopting 75 miles of trail to maintain; Re-Routt™ collection utilized recycled fabrics, fills, and hardware and/or environmentally sensitive manufacturing practices
Our most eco friendly camping gear pick: Echo Park 40 Sleeping Bags (50% post consumer recycled FireLine synthetic insulation)
Overall sustainability rating: 2/5
Find them here: Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
“We believe that businesses do not operate in a vacuum. Rather, we are inextricably connected to the communities, environment, and society to which we belong. We are a dynamic organization; one that can and must evolve in sync with people and planet.”
Image credit Goal Zero
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Mobile power products including solar panels, inverter generators, battery banks, handheld portable power devices, and more; Home solar energy solutions; Some of the best gifts for vanlifers.
Budget: $$-$$$$
Eco friendly materials: Durable solar panels made of tempered glass and aluminum frames; High quality and replaceable batteries to last for a long period of time (with recycled for all ead-acid and lithium batteries when they do wear out)
Ethical practices: All 10+ factories in 9 countries must comply with environmental and human rights standards (providing proof of wages, safety, etc)
Impact management: Provide people with the ability to harness renewable energy in the palm of their hand; Battery recycling program; Aiming for carbon neutrality by offsetting 100% of HQ energy and inbound/outbound shipments; Converting packaging to post-consumer recycled ones
Other: Provide solar power to remote villages in Nepal, Ghana, and the Philippines, indiginous peoples, and people impacted by natural disasters; Have clocked over 6,200 volunteer hours;
Our most sustainable camping gear pick: Yeti 400 Portable Power Station
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: Goal Zero / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw
Image credit Sunski
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Eco friendly oudoor sunglasses
Budget: $-$$
Eco friendly materials: Recycled plastic diverted from U.S. landfills; Durable polycarbonate lenses
Ethical practices: Domestically sourced materials
Impact management: Durable sunglasses have passed the FDA basic impact test; Working toward carbon neutrality; Ship all sunglasses in plastic-free in folded paper boxes.; Offer lens replacement service to encourage repair over replacing
Other: Member of 1% For The Planet; Donate 12% of profits to charity
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Treeline Polarized Glacier Goggle Sunglasses
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: United By Blue / Backcountry / REI
Image credit Hydro Flask
Environmentally friendly camping gear range: Eco friendly stainless steel water bottles, growlers, coolers, cup koozies, travel mugs, food tiffins, thermos, backpacks, and water bottle accessories
Budget: $-$$
Eco friendly materials: Pro-grade 18/8 powder-coated stainless steel; All BPA and phthalate-free
Ethical practices: No information regarding manufacturing on their website
Impact management: Offer lifetime warranty; Design incredibly durable products (vanlife tested and approved!)
Other: Create and support green spaces through their Parks For All program; Have donated more than $1.5 million (and thousands of water bottles) to 92 environmental nonprofits
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Wide Mouth Water Bottle with Straw Lid 2.0
Overall sustainability rating: 3/5
Find them here: Hydro Flask / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
Image credit Jeremiah Watt
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Packrafts, inflatable whitewater boats, paddles, PFDs, and paddling suits; Eco friendly gifts for outdoor adventurers
Budget: $$$-$$$$
Eco friendly materials: Proprietary 210-420 denier high count nylon for long lasting and heavy-duty durability; Vectran® high-performance fiber that is five times stronger than steel; Polyurethane coating not PVC; Low VOC adhesive Made in USA materials with significantly higher tear strength, urethane adhesion, and UV resistance than the same denier overseas fabrics;
Ethical practices: All packrafts are handmade and made to order in the USA; Complete supply chain and manufacturing control and traceability; Small team of 35 whom they provide with living wage jobs and health care; Source US made raw materials as much as possible
Impact management: Handmade-to-order in Mancos, Colorado; Energy efficient lighting and passive heating systems throughout office and manufacturing facility; Offset emissions of manufacturing; In-house recycling and composting services; Try to eliminate single-use plastics where possible
Other: Donates to a variety of conservation organizations, as well as many smaller organizations such as the local Mancos Creative District, and are large advocates of protecting the Arctic Refuge as Alpacka Raft was originally founded in Alaska
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: The Scout inflatable packraft
Overall sustainability rating:
Find them here: Alpacka Raft
Image credit Topo Designs
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Backpacks, laptop bags, duffel bags, daypacks, and eco friendly outdoor clothing
Budget: $-$$
Eco friendly materials: Not all packs are made of sustainable materials but the Canvas line uses more natural fiber than any other; Clothing is very sustainable made of fabrics like 100% recycled polyester Polartec® 200 fleece and organic cotton
Ethical practices: Packs made in the USA in Colorado, organic cotton tees made in Mexico, insulation pieces made in Canada, and technical shells made in Vietnam,
Impact management: Encourage customers to “repair don’t replace” by offering a repair service or reimbursing you for any costs to repair the product yourself
Other: Host conservation events through their MAP (Maintain. Act. Protect) Pact initiative to encourage employees and customers alike to get involved in outdoor stewardship
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Rover Pack Canvas
Overall sustainability rating: 2/5 (still limited number of eco materials where gear is concerned, but one of the most ethical outdoor brands as far as manufacturing is concerned)
Find them here: Topo Designs / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
“But it’s not easy. We have to make compromises. We sometimes have to say “no” when we want to say “yes”. We have made, and will continue to make, mistakes. But we try to learn from them; we aim to innovate and adapt. We’re not ones to settle. We never sit back and relax thinking what we’re doing now is good enough. At Fjällräven, the term ‘room for improvement’ is ingrained in all of us.”
Image credit Fjällräven
Eco friendly camping essentials range: Backpacks (from casual daypacks to eco friendly hiking and backpacking packs- see here for a handy backpack guide), daybags, laptop bags, and climbing packs; Tents and sleeping bags; Eco friendly hiking clothes
Budget: $$$
Eco friendly materials: Recycled wool, organic hemp, Tencel®, recycled Corylon polyester, G-1000 Eco (densely woven blend of recycled polyester and organic cotton), traceable wool, and FSC-certified birch wood backpack frame; Don’t use PFCs, PVCs, fluorocarbons, and angora wool; Rigorously test all materials for toxic things as per the Swedish Chemicals Group
Ethical practices: Members of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and Fair Labor Association; Have a “non-negotiable” Code of Conduct and regularly audit factories for compliance; Committed to the UN Global Compact 10 human rights principles
Impact management: Use just one or two materials in their products making them easier to recycle; Have an infant recycling program in the works; Extend the life of their products through repairable designs, rigorous product testing, and durable materials. Aim for timeless products that will never go out of style to provide for “emotional longevity”; Working toward carbon neutrality by 2025 and purchase carbon offsets
Other: Fund scientists at Stockholm University to research the effects of climate change on the Scandinavian arctic fox (Fjällräven is Swedish for “arctic fox”, after all!) which has helped regrow the population; Fund the Arctic Fox Initiative grant program for environmental non-profits
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Abisko Friluft 45 eco friendly trekking backpack
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
“Everything Less Matters™”
Image credit Hyperlite
Eco friendly camping supplies range: Backpacks of all sizes and purposes, tents and shelters, and stuff sacks
Budget: $$$-$$$$
Eco friendly materials: Dyneema® Fiber + Dyneema® Composite Fabrics; While not recycled, these synthetic fibers are the highest tech available. They’re lighter, stronger, and more durable than fabrics of comparable weight (so last way longer) and are naturally highly water repellent (100% waterproof!)
Ethical practices: Handmade in America in Biddeford, Maine; Source Dyneema primarily manufactured in Arizona and North Carolina.
Impact management: Promote minimalist gear byt making “precisely what's needed and nothing more”; Design luxury ultralight outdoor products out of the best-of-the-best material to last for years and years; Dyneema® is also very thing and means minimal virgin material is actually needed
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Ultamid 4 Half Insert Tent
Overall sustainability rating: 2/5
Find them here: Hyperlite / REI
“From the materials in our products to how long we keep the lights on, environmental sustainability runs through MSR in a variety of ways. We realize that every decision we make has a positive or negative environmental impact.”
Image credit MSR
Sustainable camping essentials range: Camp cookware (lightweight pots, utensils, and dinnerware), backpacking stoves, water filters, and water storage solutions (their drom bags are major vanlife essentials!); Snow safety gear (shovels, probes); Tents, snowshoes, and trekking poles
Budget: $-$$$$
Eco friendly materials: Lots of recycled aluminum; Recyclable metals like stainless steel, titanium, and aluminum in cookware, snowshoes, and snow safety gear; Water storage systems are free of BPA, BPS, and phthalates; Due to the nature of their extreme conditions equipment, not all materials are eco friendly but are designed to last a long time; Have a Restricted Substance List created in conjunction with Bluesign and OEKO-TEX
Ethical practices: Founding member of the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) Sustainability Working Group; All products made in the USA (in either Reno or Seattle) in factories with tons of ethical compliance certifications; Practice rigorous supplier tracking
Impact Management: Design with longevity in mind; Have a warranty and repair shop (in 2018, they repaired 85% of the products returned to them); One of the first hard-good brands to use the Higg Index to assess material traceability, chemical management, and social responsibility; Offer fuel canister recycling at their Seattle workshop; Packaging materials are locally sourced from northwest suppliers; Seattle factory runs on 98% renewable energy; Aspires to be a zero waste brand; Assess the impact of every one of their products, from design to disposal
Other: Partner with various environmental groups such as the American Mountain Guides Association, Conservation Alliance, Northwest and Utah Avalanche centers, and Winter Wildlands Alliance; Work extensively in global health and have helped supply 500,000 people with clean drinking water
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: XGK EX Multi-Fuel Stove (includes reusable fuel bottle so no more single-use white gas or LP canisters!)
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: MSR / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
Image credit BioLite
Sustainable camping supplies range: Camping stoves that don’t rely on LP or white gas but instead on organic matter like leaves and twigs; Camp lighting solutions; Great brand for road trip gifts
Budget: $$-$$$
Eco friendly materials: Stoves are highly efficient and only require small amounts of organic matter to fuel
Ethical practices: No manufacturing information published online
Impact management: Co-founded the carbon offsetting nonprofit Climate Neutral; Provides two-in-one renewable energy while cooking by converting thermal energy into 3 watts of electricity to charge up a 2600mAh built-in battery.
Other: Donate a percentage of each order to provide clean energy access to Africa; Have provided clean energy to over 1 million people; Founded the Emergency Energy Fund to provide aid for natural disasters
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: BioLite Carbon CampStove 2 Bundle - Climate Neutral Edition
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: BioLite / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw
“Change comes in waves.”
Image credit United By Blue
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Travel bags and backpacks; Camping gear and reusable enamel located mugs; Eco friendly camping clothes (they’re one of the most environmentally friendly outdoor clothing companies
Budget: $-$$$
Eco friendly materials: Hemp, organic cotton, REPREVE recycled polyester, Tencel, modal, wool, and vegetable dyes; Signature fabrics such as EcoKnit (a blend of hemp, organic cotton, modal, and yak), (R)evolution™ (recycled PET that’s ultra durable, stain resistant, and doesn’t shed microfibers), Bison Shield (a “throw-away” of the meat industry that can used either as a wool-like yarn or insulation stuffing), AllDay Chambray™ (blend of organic cotton, hemp, and yak), and EcoDry (blend of organic cotton and recycled polyester); Corozo nut buttons (made from Tagua Palm nuts, both renewable and biodegradable!); Fully recyclable aluminum hardware; Some bags made of Nubuck leather to be avoided
Ethical practices: B-Corp 3x ‘Best for the World Honoree’ with impact score of 80.1 (above the 50.9 average); Manufacture in 7 factories across Turkey, China, Vietnam, and the USA which are GOTS, OCS, and/or Fair Trade-certified; Disclose factory of origin for all products; A major sustainable outdoor gear brand to watch!
Impact management: Publish Impact Reports; Working on cutting out single-use plastics as a company by slowly phasing out poly bags, bubble wrap, fabric roll packaging, plastic hangtags, office plastic, and plastic tape; Sell zero waste reusable to encourage customers to #QuitSingleUse;
Other: Remove one pound of ocean plastic for every product sold (totalling over 3 million pounds now)
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: (R)evolution™ 100% recycled packs
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: United By Blue / REI / Backcountry / Moosejaw / Steep & Cheap
“We believe in creating equipment that empowers people to get outdoors with products that are accessible, thoughtful and beautiful.”
Image credit Sierra Designs
Affordable sustainable camping gear range: Eco friendly sleeping bags, tents backpacks, and outdoor apparel
Budget: $$-$$$
Eco friendly materials: Have certain sleeping bags made of recycled polyester and EcoPET post-consumer recycled insulation.
Ethical practices: Uphold the Exxel Outdoors Code of Conduct (since 1995!); Manufacture in Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) factories; Perform internal staff and third-party audits of factories as documented through theFair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC); Corrective Action Plan to strive for continued improvement
Impact management: Offer a repair program for common minor issues specified here
Overall sustainability rating: 2/5
Find them here: Sierra Designs / Backcountry / Moosejaw
Image credit Outdoor Master
Affordable eco friendly outdoor gear range: Snow goggles; Other products like snow and skateboard helmets, SUP accessories, and more that are not yet made of eco friendly materials
Budget: $$
Eco friendly materials: Bamboo fabric strap; Antifog GreenLens made of TAC cotton extracts blended with Polycarbonate; Durable and flexible plastic frame (so try to make them last!); Easily changeable universal magnetic lens (so you can keep the frame if the lens gets damaged)
Ethical practices: Aim to fill the “huge gap between cheap and high-end outdoor products” by providing quality yet affordable products for all
Impact management: No mention of additional efforts to be a more eco friendly outdoor gear company
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: The Disappearing Places Eco-friendly Ski Goggles Pro Series
Overall sustainability rating: 2/5 (offer one good product but still have a long way to go with the rest)
Find them here: Outdoor Master (use code “Amber10” for 25% off)
Image credit Selk’bag
Eco friendly camping equipment range: Wearable sleeping bags
Budget: $$$
Eco friendly materials: Shell made from 100% post-consumer recycled water bottles; YKK® Natulon® zippers made of PET bottles, post-consumer fibers, and other polyester remnants; Partially recycled and vegan Primaloft® Black ThermoPlume® insulation
Ethical practices: No information regarding manufacturing practices online
Impact management: Each bag contains 65 recycled plastic water bottles
Other: Member of 1% for the Planet.
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Selk’bag Nomad
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: Selk’bag
“Feel Good, Do Good and Pass It On”
Image credit Trek Light Gear
Sustainable camping equipment range: Outdoor blankets and hammocks; Camping clothes
Budget: $$
Eco friendly materials: Blankets made of 100% recycled clothing; Hammocks made of recycled parachute nylon
Ethical practices: Blankets handmade in Mexico via a traditional loom by artisans working at home (meaning they get to set their own hours, etc); Hammocks manufactured in Bali, Indonesia
Other: 1-For-1 Give Back model donated something for every product sold, whether it’s a tree through Trees For The Future, school supplies through Be The Change Volunteers, or funds to help the fight against cancer through the American Cancer Society
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Any of their beautiful upcycled blankets!
Overall sustainability rating: 3/5
Find them here: Trek Light Gear
Image credit Epic
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Water bottles, integrated water bottle filters (for brands like Nalgene and Hydroflask), filter pitchers, and water filters that filter out microplastics, chlorine, heavy metals, industrial and agricultural pollutants, trace pharmaceuticals, bacteria (including Giardia), cysts, and viruses.
Budget: $-$$
Eco friendly materials: Filtration system made of activated carbon fiber mesh and activated coconut carbon as the base absorption material
Ethical practices: All bottle filters are proudly made in the USA; Other filters made overseas in FDA compliant factories.
Impact management: Offer a filter recycling program through TerraCycle for which they incentivise you to recycle with rewards; 1 filter replaced 1,000 single use plastic water bottles; 100% compostable packaging; Reuse warehouse materials
Other: 1% for the Planet member; A percentage of profits from each different themed Nalgene goes to different non-profits; Partner of the Inland Ocean Coalition (IOC) who works to raise awareness about the impact of microplastics
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Access Fund special edition Nalgene and integrated water filter
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: Epic Water Filters
“Use less, give back, explore more.”
Image credit Zeal Optics
Eco friendly outdoor gear range: Eco friendly sunglasses and snow goggles; Opt for transition and prescription lenses if desired
Budget: $$
Eco friendly materials: Frames of See Grass (made from recycled plastics and grasses in a closed-loop system), eco-acetate, Swedish-crafted Z-Resin (castor bean oil), and sustainable wood accents; Full-spectrum UV and HEV (high energy blue light) blocking lenses made of plant-based Ellume Polarized.
Ethical practices: No information regarding manufacturing published on website
Impact management: Offer repair service
Other: Plant a tree through the National Forest Foundation for every pair sold; 1% for the Planet member to support Protect Our Winters and the dZi Foundation
Our sustainable outdoor gear pick: Divide Sea Grass Sunglasses
Overall sustainability rating: 4/5
Find them here: Zeal Optics / Backcountry / REI / Moosejaw
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